2020 Coffee Hour Sign-Ups
Please sign-up to help host our coffee hour. We need to continue to have broad participation among the parish, with individuals or families serving in roles several times a year, as they are able. We have tweaked the system this year for the 10 o'clock coffee hour (clean-up as well as hosting slots). We are organizing into "Sunday of the Month" (SoM) teams. You can join a team by signing up for open slots consistent with a particular SoM (e.g. to join the 1st SoM team, sign up for slots that are only on the 1st SoM). For the coffee hour after the 8 o'clock service (setup as well as hosting), we aren't organizing according to SoMs; we'll continue as we did in 2019. Thank you to everyone who served in coffee hour roles in 2019. The link to the coffee hour sign-up genius can be found here, through the "Connect" menu on the St. Michael's homepage, and also at the bottom of each newsletter.