Annual Meeting Tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 5

Please plan to join us on Sunday, February 5, for our Annual Meeting, immediately following worship. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to step back and reflect on the last year of our communal life together. Participation in the Annual Meeting is critical, as we will elect new Vestry members, approve the Mission Spend Plan (our language for budget that has mission consequences), and get updates on the strategic and financial position of the congregation.
In preparation for the meeting, please take the time to review the Annual Report, which gives a summary of much of what has unfolded at St. Michael’s in the last year. Please be sure to review the preliminary year-end financial report, as well as the proposed Mission Spend Plan for 2023.
Sunday morning worship will be available virtually, as usual, with continuing coverage through the annual meeting. In order to fully participate in the meeting on Zoom, you must make your full name visible and turn on your camera to cast a vote or ask a question. Please get in touch with Beth if you have any questions prior to Sunday morning’s meeting.
Tags: Annual Parish Events / Vestry