Arts and Faith Solo Exhibition Opens
Contemporary woodcuts by Florida printmaker Kreg Yingst are the subject of St. Michael’s fall exhibition, “Psalms Visualized,” is now open and will run through October 20.
Ten framed full-color block prints of a selection of Psalms will hang in the Parish Hall. Images of these 10 and of an additional 10 color woodcuts—all hand-carved and hand-pulled through an antique press—also will be available in a more comprehensive online presentation that will include commentaries and devotions by Kreg, a playlist, a statement about Kreg’s artistic process, and resources. The online exhibition also will include a link to a pdf that can be downloaded and printed as an exhibition catalogue.
Among the selections for in-person and online viewing are Psalms 23, 45, 46, 62, 117, 121, 138, and 150. As inspiration for his images, all of which are 6” x 4”, Kreg used just a verse or two from each Psalm to meditate upon daily, throughout the day, before rendering his contemplations into visual metaphors. His practice, likened to a kind of visio divina, he says, became “more nourish[ing] than an empty calorie of chocolate” and revealed to him “in the here and now” certain “deeper elements” not in the texts themselves. “For me, the Psalms, as difficult as they were to read and interpret, became a devotional, my artwork a prayer.”
Each of the woodcuts in the Parish Hall will be for sale.
Tags: Arts and Faith