Children’s Chapel Resumes and Nursery to Reopen
Families are encouraged to worship with their children in whatever way is most meaningful. In addition to the spaces outside the main sanctuary, children are always welcome in all spaces for all forms of worship.
During the 10:00 AM service, children aged 3–8 (approximately) are invited to take part in a service designed for their participation. Children will be invited to follow the cross down the aisle and out the side door at the beginning of the service. Children will be engaged in a lesson and an age-appropriate liturgy of the word. Participants will return to the sanctuary during the peace. Parents are welcome to accompany their children for a “visit” anytime.
The nursery will be available for families with young children to utilize during the 10:00 AM service beginning March 20. The nursery is located on the same floor as the sanctuary. Please ask an usher for directions.
Tags: Children & Youth / Nursery