E-giving Transition
For several years St. Michael’s has used the Network For Good, Donate Now platform for our electronic giving program. We have now implemented a new e-giving platform using the Realm system and their banking partner Vanco. Realm is the database we use at St. Michael’s to manage many of our church records including our pledge records. In addition to having the e-giving via Realm directly integrated into our pledge records, the cost for using the Realm e-giving system platform is already covered in the same monthly fee we already pay for the Realm database subscription, thus eliminating the additional monthly fee we were paying for the Network For Good platform.
Our new e-giving portal can be reached from the St. Michael’s website, or can be accessed directly at https://onrealm.org/Stmichaelsarlington/-/give/now. If you are still using the Network For Good platform for e-giving, we request that you transition to the Realm portal before our account with Network For Good closes.
Tags: Give