Fellowship for Parents, July 12
All parishioners who currently have children at home are invited to participate in bi-weekly fellowship and discussion with fellow parents. This time will be an opportunity to connect with parishioners who have shared similar challenges and joys throughout the pandemic. We will gather every other Sunday evening (June 28, July 12, July 26) from 8 - 9 PM on Zoom.
For July 12, please listen to The Sunday Read: ‘Facing the Wind’ from the NYTimes “The Daily” podcast. Carvell Wallace, best selling author, writer, and podcaster considers why, for his kids, a global pandemic that shut down the world was not news – it was the opposite of news. It was a struggle that had, in some ways, always been a part of their lives.
Time: July 12, 2020 08:00 PM, Every 2 weeks on Sunday
Join Zoom Meeting here
Dial in: +1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 836 2381 0526