Meet the Local Artists in “Celebrating Our Community of Saints”
Three of four local artists displaying work in our special exhibition for St. Michael’s 75th Anniversary Celebration will be available to meet and talk with you about their artwork on Sunday, October 8, at 4:00 PM.
In attendance at the Artists Reception, which will be held in the parish hall, will be painter Kathleen Stark, a member of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church (Annandale, Virginia) who, inspired by St. Michael’s Arts & Faith Ministry, recently initiated an exhibition program at her own parish; established and well-known painter Dana Ellyn of Washington, D.C.; and icon painter George Ziobro, who will be exhibiting at St. Michael’s in January and leading a weekend icon workshop.
All parishioners and their friends are welcome. To acquaint yourself with the artists’ backgrounds and works, please see the online exhibition here.
Light refreshments will be served.
Tags: Arts and Faith