Shrine Mont 2019: Seeking God Through the Arts
St. Michael's annual weekend at Shrine Mont is nearly here! On September 13-15, parishioners will head to Orkney Springs for a weekend of quiet contemplation, fellowship, and worship in a sylvan setting. For those attending, you will receive details via email soon. Those attending with children will receive additional information, to include a suggested packing list.
This year's program is centered around the theme of seeking God through the arts. How might you express your faith artistically? With a song? By drawing a picture? Writing a poem? St. Michael's is fortunate to have The Rev. Josh Bowron, rector at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, join us to facilitate this unique approach to faith and worship. A man of many artistic talents, Josh will help us to discover our creative artistic spirits.
We are pleased to note that we are expecting many children this year! The Saturday youth program will include singing some beloved Shrine Mont camp songs, making instruments, a nature walk, and poetry readings. Snacks will be provided.
For those attending, we need your help to make a joyful noise! If you have room in your trunk, please consider bringing some supplies for children to make their own musical instruments. We will send out a separate plea for art supplies, but please note that we could use the following items: clean and empty plastic milk jugs; empty paper towel rolls; rubber bands; Saran wrap; tape; clean empty disposable water bottles; jingle bells; clean tin cans with no sharp edges; empty cereal or shoe boxes; plastic spoons; plastic Easter eggs; and rice. Please bring any supplies to Meade Cottage when you arrive.
Any questions, please reach out to anyone on Shrine Mont planning team: Tom Sheldon, Linda Kelleher, Nora Kelleher, Caroline Haynes, Amy Miller, and T.J. Burnside Clapp. See you in September!