Staying Mindful of Creation Care
“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104:24)
The passage above was included in St. Michael’s weekly update almost exactly two years ago as we were entering the tremendous uncertainty of the pandemic. Back then, we were reflecting on the planning that the Care of Creation Committee had done as a result of the January 2020 parish listening session on possible next steps we might take as a community. Many of those plans were put on hold and the Care of Creation Committee is now working to reinvigorate those efforts.
One lasting reminder of the pandemic is our vital connection to nature and the restorative sense many of us found in reveling in the goodness of God's creation. Daily neighborhood walks continue to be restorative as we breathe the fresh air and watch the world spring back to green from winter. As nature continues to sustain us, we remain called to care for it.
The parish listening session revealed twin interests in “acting locally” and in fellowship with one another. The committee consequently is planning a variety of community activities, the first of which are listed below.
The listening session also discerned interest in understanding more deeply why care creation is a “church” issue. Briefly, it relates back to our fellowship: harm to creation threatens our community, and as we are one in Christ, we are called to respond to sustain each other. The national church thus identifies creation care as integral to our loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with God, each other, and the world. As part of the Way of Love, the national church further invites all to take the Episcopal Creation Care Pledge and renew the Earth. Details on the church’s teaching and a link to the pledge are available here.
We are all blessed to be in a parish community that values creation care and holds it up in prayer and for action. The committee welcomes more ideas and input and we hope you will plan to join us for the following upcoming events:
- Join us for a tour of St. Michael’s native plant gardens and Sunday, May 1, 11:15 AM. We’ll be searching for insects using our native plants for food and shelter and photographing them in the iNaturalist app to include in the 2022 City Nature Challenge.
- In partnership with Arlington Eco-Action and the Energy Masters, we’ll be hosting a series of green living events. Join us for the kick-off Energy Masters bingo game and a short presentation with green tips for reducing energy and water usage. This is family friendly with recommendations suitable for all living situations: owners/renters and apartment/condo dwellers and single-family/townhome owners. Sunday, May 22, 4:30 PM.
Tags: Care of Creation