Checking Out

Before leaving, please complete the following:
- Turn off all lights, including halls, kitchen, and bathrooms. The light behind the cross in the parish hall remains lit at all times.
- Close all doors labeled “Fire Door” that have been propped open.
- Lock all doors that you unlocked.
- All trash bins containing food should be taken out and placed in the proper bin outside the parish hall. Please do not put trash in the compost or recycle bins, unless it is compostable or recycleable. Replacement bags can be found in the parish hall closet near the piano.
- Before moving furniture, it may be helpful to take a picture of the room. Return all furnishings to their original layout. If floors need to be swept, there are supplies in the closet next to the parish hall bathroom.
- Wipe off tables and chairs if soiled.
- Chairs should not be stacked more than 4 high in the closet outside the Parish Hall and should never be stacked in front of the electrical box. Overflow chairs may go in the storage room at the end of the hall.
Guidelines for Weekly Camp Users
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