Exhibition Organization

This online exhibition comprises the following parts:
Organization of Art & Poems
Artists’ Bios
Poets’ Bio
Purchase List for Artworks
The artworks and poems selected for this exhibit are ekphrastic, that is, they were inspired by one or more words selected from a list included in the call for submissions, and all relate generally to the theme of pandemic.
The word choices, serving as both prompt and inspiration, are:
Beauty, Children, Comfort, Community, Compassion, Connect/Connection, Endurance, Faith, Family, Fear, First Responders, Food, Generosity, Give, Grief, Hands, Healing, Hero(es), Hope, Isolation, Inspiration, Lockdown, Loss, Love, Masks (Face Masks), Need, Personal Protection Equipment, Quarantine, Remembrance, Renewal, Resilience, Social Distancing (Physical Distancing), Sheltering (Sheltering-in-Place), Solace, Spirit, Spiritual, Strength, Technology, Touch
The artwork is grouped under headings that correspond to the main word(s) selected as inspiration from the list of word choices in the call for submissions. Images are displayed alphabetically (by artists’ last names). The titles and artists’ names are included with the images; full caption information, which includes the word choice(s) that inspired the artwork, is provided in the document titled “Purchase List for Artworks.” The absence of a price or the letters NFS means the work is not for sale.
All of the poems are presented in a pdf for which a link is provided. The poems are grouped in the document under headings that correspond to the main word(s) the poets selected as inspiration from the list of word choices in the submissions call. Where appropriate, associated words from the list follow the text of each poem.