
The Episcopal tradition values the role community plays in spiritual formation. It’s at the core of our beliefs and can be found in the very words of our Sunday worship gatherings. While individually we may not have all the answers, or even know what questions we want to ask, we strongly believe that the Holy Spirit is present when two or three are gathered. St. Michael's parishioners are active and engaged. Sharing a meal at the altar or around the dinner table, working alongside one another, learning through scripture together, we greatly value the many ways in which this faith community enriches our lives and draws us closer to God. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome!
2023 Preliminary Financial Report
2024 Proposed Mission Spend Plan
Lenten Spiritual Formation

The services of Lent hold many special liturgies. The Rev. Rosemari's plan for our Lenten "study" is to offer each Sunday at the announcement time "A Brief But Spectacular" (title borrowed from PBS News) Lenten explanation of one of our special liturgies and practices. The key word is brief-3 mins.
- February 18: Why is Lent 40 Days?
- February 25: Palms/Passion: A Day of Contrasts
- Marc…
Annual Parish Events

Our annual parish retreat will take place at Shrine Mont, September 13-15, 2024.
Arts and Faith

What is “The Divine Feminine”? It is the spirit of empathy, connectedness, wholeness, and creativity that dwells within and around us. It is the sacred, sensuous, and invisible presence that urges us to explore, express, and grow. It is the soul’s yearning to connect with the infinite.
In this exhibition, four artists express their interpretations of The Divine Feminine in personal and unique ways. Each focuses on an aspect of The Divine Feminine: the natural world, relationships, the containing vessel, and the shape of the feminine. Drawing on inspiration peculiar to their experiences, the artists produce an array of landscapes of the spirit in nature, figures in relationship, abstract designs of feeling and spirit, and visual evocations of creativity and intuition.
Read More »Becoming Beloved Community

"'The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.'" (Luke 17:20-21)
Dear St. Michael's,
I write full of excitement and hope about the next phase of our communal life. The invitation is this: let us commit to Becoming Beloved Community. A lengthy explanation follows, but the presenting purpose is simple: How might o…

Fellowship is cherished part of our parish life, allowing us to connect with one another, often over coffee at Coffee Hour.

In kinship with our neighbors, St. Michael's joins with community partners to provide financial and volunteer support to our most vulnerable neighbors - those who are food insecure, those who don't have an affordable and safe place to live, and those who are at risk. We support our neighbors and partners with contributions of goods and services, financial resources, and volunteer…
Read More »Pilgrimage

Furthering our commitment to Becoming Beloved Community, St. Michael's Sacred Ground Alumni have continued their journey studying the racial history of the United States. As an expansion of our understanding of community, we have been learning about the history of lynchings close to home, as well as tremendous liberation borne out of Maryland's Eastern Shore, especially in the ex…
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