Project Collaborators

The Living Room
The Living Rooms (TLR) is Sonoma, California’s only day shelter for homeless women and mothers with children.
As is portrayed in the artist’s illustrations, “This Is My Story” features the lives of women who found respite, care, compassion, and support at The Living Room (TLR) before COVID-19. What was to become of these women and children when the shelter had to shut its doors because of the pandemic?
Without skipping a beat, TLR opened its windows and continued serving meals in the parking lot to the women, as well as to a new population thrust suddenly into a risky, uncertain, job-less future while the pandemic plays out. Though a moment in time that threatens humanity without discrimination, the pandemic threatens the homeless, sick, and impoverished in greater measure.
Although The Living Room will not be re-opening its doors for a long time, it continues its efforts to feed the hungry and provide shelter for those in need.
To learn more about the work of this small, tenacious organization, watch this video with the Director, Cindy Pasko, or visit TLR’s Website. Donations are appreciated.
Justicewise is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to regenerative social change and community transformation. Its mission is to restore among residents a sense of connectedness and belonging by establishing the foundation for rebuilding a healthy, vibrant community. To that end, it connects people and organizations with the tools and strategies required to eliminate barriers to progress.
Justicewise supports collaboration, helping like-minded partners do more with less by leveraging the strengths that each partner brings to the table.
For more information about the organization, visit the Justicewise Website.