Psalms Visualized: Artist Biography

Artist Biography
A painter and a self-taught printmaker, Kreg Yingst received his bachelor’s degree in studio art from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, in 1983. While teaching, he finished his master’s degree in painting, awarded in 1996 by Eastern Illinois University. Kreg, who lives in Florida, makes his living solely from sales of his work.
Kreg’s art can be found in numerous private and public collections, including those of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art at the College of Charleston, South Carolina; College of Lake County, Grayslake, Illinois; Pensacola State College, Pensacola, Florida; and Janus Corporation, Denver, Colorado.
Kreg has exhibited his work, which encompasses a remarkable music series, in many venues, from commercial and noncommercial art galleries, to museums and arts centers, to art fairs and art festivals throughout the United States, including Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin, Washington, D.C., and British Columbia, Canada. He is especially active in Pensacola, Florida, where he has had both group and solo or two-person shows. He boasts a long list of awards and honors.
Among other publications that have featured Kreg’s art are Sunshine Artist magazine, The California Printmaker, The Evanston Review, News Sun, and South Bend Tribune. The online arts magazine Escape Into Life presented selections from Kreg’s music series in May 2022. In addition, Kreg created the illustrations for Christine Valters Paintner’s Birthing the Holy: Wisdom from Mary to Nurture Creativity and Renewal (Ave Maria Press, 2022). Some of Kreg’s own books are The Psalms in 150 Block Prints (2016), Light from Darkness: Portraits and Prayers (2014), Psalms, Poems, and Prayers (2008), and The Blues in Black and White: A collection of block prints (2006).