Kreg Yingst’s Block Prints
A Solo Exhibit in Parish Hall and Online
September 22, 2022 – October 20, 2022
Psalms Visualized: Exhibit Organization

Exhibit Organization
This solo exhibition comprises the following sections, each of which corresponds to one of the sidebars to viewers' right. The individual sections, noted below, and their corresponding sidebars are hyperlinked for ease of access; although viewers can browse from one section to another without having to return to the exhibit's Main Page, they also can access ea…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Curator Statement

Curator Statement
For me, the Psalms as difficult as they were to read and interpret became a devotional, my artwork a prayer.
~ Kreg Yingst
Psalms in 150 Block Prints…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Artist Statement

Artist Statement
In the Beginning
Over the years I've become familiar with many beautifully hand-painted psalters from the Middle Ages, as well as woodcuts used to illustrate books of Psalms. However, in all of my research I have yet to turn up one entire book of Psalms illuminated entirely by woodcuts. This is somewhat surprising, because printmaking, especially in the 15th and 16…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Artistic Process

Artistic Process
My compositions are typically conceived and fully worked out in my mind before making their way to the woodblock. I think there's a slow, meditative process in printmaking-from idea to carving to painting-that generally appeals to me and fits my temperament.
My process is, simply, to sketch out my ideas, transfer them backwards to a block of wood or other material,…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Artworks

Images of 20 of Kreg Yingst's block prints can be found in this section. Included are images of the 10 original artworks that hang in the gallery space in St. Michael's Parish Hall.
The images are organized by Psalm number.
To see images of all of Kreg Yingst's originals from his illustrated books, Psalms in 150 Block Prints and Psalms, Poems and Prayers in Bloc…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Devotions and Commentary

Devotions and Commentary
Artist Kreg Yingst has prepared a catalogue that contains a series of short devotions or commentaries to accompany this exhibit. He has placed them in a book format that can be accessed from the pdf link below; the pdf can translate to iBooks or Kindle and read by viewers as they proceed through the exhibit from print to print.
The book format allows…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Album

Psalms Visualized Album
Twenty-two songs comprise the Psalms Visualized playlist assembled by the artist exclusively for this exhibition.
The soundtrack incorporates a variety of styles: chant, classical, pop, gospel, choral, and world music. The compositions include songs by Brian Moss, Zach Winters, Sons of Korah, Edward Hopkins, John Michael Talbot, Poor Bishop Hooper, Robbi…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Artist Biography

Artist Biography
A painter and a self-taught printmaker, Kreg Yingst received his bachelor's degree in studio art from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, in 1983. While teaching, he finished his master's degree in painting, awarded in 1996 by Eastern Illinois University. Kreg, who lives in Florida, makes his living solely from sales of his work.
Kreg's art can be found in nume…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Purchase of Artworks

Purchase of Artworks
Artworks in the Parish Hall
Each of the 10 original artworks hanging in the gallery space in St. Michael's Parish Hall are available for sale: Psalms 23, 27, 55, 62, 117, 122, 126, 131, 134, and 150.
All are hand-pulled from Kreg Yingst's antique press, and are hand-painted and custom-framed by the artist. The mats are block-printed. Note: Because these ar…
Read More »Psalms Visualized: Resources

Biblical Songbooks of the Psalms
"All the Wrecked Light: A Lyrical Exposition of Psalm 90"
Hannah Hubin and Others
"The Brilliance"
We Are Worship (David Gungor and John Arndt)
"Chichester Psalms"
Leonard Bernstein
Warsaw Philharmonic
"Clap Praise"
Diane White-Clayton and Selah Gospel Choir
"Every Psalm Project"
Poor Bishop Hooper (Jesse and Leah Roberts)
"Psalm 32"
Forever Be Sure Music Pu…