Purchase List for Artworks

Alphabetical List of Artists and Artworks
Carolyn M. Abrams, “Victory Garden I” (Hope, Healing), Mixed Media, 5-1/2” x 5-1/2” ($75)
Carolyn M. Abrams, “Victory Garden II” (Hope, Healing), Mixed Media, 5 ½” x 5 ½” ($75)
Salma Arastu, “Pandemic” (Fear, Grief, Loss), Charcoal and Acrylics on Canvas, 40” x 60”, 2020 (NFS)
Salma Arastu, “Prayer I” (Faith, Spirit/Spiritual), Pen and Ink on Hand-made Hanji Paper, 12” x 12” (NFS)
Salma Arastu, “Prayer II” (Faith, Spirit/Spiritual), Pen and Ink on Hand-made Hanji Paper, 23” x 12” (NFS)
Billie Bond, “Breathe 1 and 2” (Masks, Personal Protection Equipment), Black Stoneware, Resin, and Gold, 33 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm, 2018
Billie Bond, “The Look of Resilience” (Resilience), Black Stoneware, Resin, and Gold, 40 cm x 33 cm x 22 cm, 2019
Manal Deeb, “Dawn” (Strength), Digital Art, 10” x 10”, 2020 ($325)
Manal Deeb, “Flower of Love” (Solace), Digital Art, 10” x 10”, 2017 ($325)
Manal Deeb, “Flower of Love II” (Solace), Digital Art, 10” x 8”, 2020 ($325)
Manal Deeb, “A Song’s Echo” (Renewal), Digital Art, 8” x 10”, 2018 ($295)
Greg Dunn, “Brain Machine Interface” (Technology), Microetched Print, 18” x 24” (unframed) and 24” x 32”’ (unframed), 2020 ($220 and $440)
Note: For pricing information about limited-edition fine art prints as well as microetchings and microetched prints of Dunn’s “Brain Machine Interface,” visit: https://www.gregadunn.com/product/brain-machine-in...
Stacy Ericson, “Angels in Presence” (Spirit, Strength), Pen and Wash on Paper, 8” x 10”, ($85)
Lisa Goesling, “Group of Columbines” (Faith, Hope, Love, Renewal, Resilience, Strength, Touch), Scratchbord® with Colored Inks, 8” x 8”
Lisa Goesling, “Open Magnolias” (Beauty, Love, Renewal, Resilience, Touch), Scratchbord®, 141” x 11”
Lisa Goesling, “Pussy Willows All Lined Up” (Comfort, Give, Family, Renewal, Hope, Touch), Scratchbord®, 5” x 21”
Lisa Goesling, “Uprooted” (Endurance, Hope, Renewal, Resilience, Strength), Scratchbord® with Colored Inks, 11” x 14”
Margitta Hanff, “Love in the time of Corona” (Love, Personal Protection Equipment, Social Distancing), Multimedia, Watercolor, Gouache, and Acrylic, 14” x 22”, 2020 (NFS)
Laurie Klein, “After the Fire” (Renewal), Collage of Photos, Hand-made Paper, and Other Media (This piece is accompanied by a tanka; see the document with the exhibit’s poetry.)
Pauline Kusiask, “ScreenTime” (Technology), Alcohol Inks and Pencil, 2020 (NFS)
Marcus Parsons, “Faces” (Community), Archival Print of Digital Painting, 7” x 10”
($150, unframed)
Marcus Parsons, “On the Inside” (Connect/Connection), Archival Print of Digital Painting, 9” x 10” ($150, unframed)
Marcus Parsons, “Stars in the Sky” (Spirit/Spiritual), Archival Print of Digital Painting, 7” x 10” ($150, unframed)
Linda Plaisted, “Masquerade” (Masks/Face Masks, Personal Protection Equipment), Photographic Mixed Media, 2020
Amy Pleasant, “Garden of Hope” (Hope), Acrylic on Canvas, 18” x 24” (NFS)
Elise Ritter, “Hope Is a Gift We’re Given” (Hope), Acrylic and Alcohol Inks, 14 ”x 20”
Tighe O’Donoghue/Ross, “The Prophecy/The Cascade” (Faith), 18” x 24” (2019) (NFS)
Patrick Seruwu, “Faith” (Faith), Collage on Canvas, 73 cm x 103 cm (R17000; est. $950)
Kari Gunter-Seymour, “Waking Us Up” (Inspiration), Digital Art, 10” x 8” (print only) ($20, includes shipping in U.S. only)
Kathleen Stark, “An Artist’s Life Is One Ball” (Endurance, Loss, Resilience, Strength), Acrylic on Canvas, 24” x 36” ($400)
Jeanie Tomanek, “Safety” (Isolation, Quarantine, Sheltering), Acrylic on 1.5” Deep Cradled Birch Panel, 8” x 10” ($150 unframed) SOLD
Jeanie Tomanek, “Our Ground Time Here Will Be Brief” (Grief, Loss), Acrylic on Panel, 16” x 12” ($500)
Note: Contact The Loft in Marietta, Ga., for purchasing information: https://www.loftmarietta.com/jeanie-tomanek
Jeanie Tomanek, “Prayer Tree” (Faith, Grief, Healing, Loss, Love, Remembrance, Solace), Acrylic on 11” x 14” Bristol Paper, 10” x 13” ($150, unframed)
Sue Turayhi, “Missing Love” (Love), Acrylic and Oil, 18” x 24”, 2013 ($275)
Sue Turayhi, “Locked in Woman” (“Inside every woman there is another one longing to come out.”) (Isolation, Lockdown, Quarantine), Acrylic, 16” x 12”, 2011 ($275)
Sue Turayi, “Step to Heaven” (Loss), Acrylic, 18” x 24”, 2015 ($275) (Note: This artwork originally was titled “Storm”.)
Angela White, “Solace” (Solace), Oil and Gold Leaf on Canvas, 20” x 24”, 2019, ($1,250)
Joyce Wycoff, “Remembrance of Time Past” (Remembrance), Digital Image Printed on Metal, 12” x 12”, 2020 ($85, plus shipping)
Joyce Wycoff, “Cycle of Life” (Resilience) Digital Image Printed on Metal, 10” x 12”, 2020 ($75, plus shipping)
The word or words in parentheses, which follow the titles, are those that inspired the artworks or are used to denote themes in the exhibition. See the document title “Introduction” for the list of word choices.
The work of artist Linda Plaisted is offered as prints in various sizes. Contact the artist for purchasing information; prices differ by size of print. (For contact information, see her listing in her profile.)
All purchasing arrangements for works offered for sale are to be made directly with the artists. Contact information can be found on the artists’ Websites, which are listed with the artists’ biographies.
All artworks and poems are used with the artists’ and poets’ express, written permission. Copyright remains with the participants. All Rights Reserved.