Community of Saints: Purchase Lists of Artworks

Exhibition viewers who wish to purchase an available artwork or obtain additional information about a piece should contact the artist directly to arrange payment or discuss availability as a print or a commission.
A purchaser with a receipt is expected to pick up an artwork at the close of the exhibition.
Physical business cards are available to viewers in the gallery space, and artists’ social media links are printed in the Exhibition Notebook maintained in the gallery space. Online, each artist’s email address, Website, and social media links are published in the exhibition section labeled “Artists’ Biographical Information.”
Below are the captions (title, medium, size, year) and purchase price for available artworks in “Celebrating Our Community of Saints.” Artworks that are not available for sale are marked “NFS.” All the artworks in the physical gallery space are framed, unless otherwise noted.
Dana Ellyn
“Existential Balancing Act (Jean-Paul Sartre),” Oil on Canvas, 24” x 24,” 2022; $450 (Unframed)
“Pursuit of Happiness (Theodore Roosevelt),” Ink and Watercolor on Book Title Page, 6” x 9,” 2018; $70
“What About Me? (Sylvia Plath),” Ink and Watercolor on Book Title Page, 6” x 9,” 2018; $70
Elise Ritter
“Community,” Acrylic and Collage; NFS
“Messengers of Light,” Acrylic and Collage; NFS
“St. Rose,” Acrylic and Collage; NFS
Many thanks to Elise Ritter for lending these artworks from her personal collection.
Christopher Santer
“St. Audrey (Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely),” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2020; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Augustine,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2011; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Brigid,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8”x 10,” 2019; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Charles Lwanga,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2018; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Dominic,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2013; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2008; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Josephine Bakhita,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2020; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St Martin de Porres,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2019; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Michael,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2010; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Teresa of Avila,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2009; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Thomas a Becket,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2011; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
“St. Veronica,” Black Prismacolor Pencil, 8” x 10,” 2016; $50
(This is a signed print of the original 8” x 10” drawing.)
Christopher Santer is pleased to accept a commission to create an original portrait of a saint of your choice. Please contact the artist directly to discuss a commission.
Kathleen Stark
“Saint Barnabas Today,” Acrylic and Collage on Canvas, 13” x 17,” 2023; $150 (Framed)
Kreg Yingst
The following 12 artworks are part of both the physical and online presentations:
“St. John the Baptist,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2020; $225
“Sts. Perpetua and Felicity,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2023; $225
“St. Teresa of Avila,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2013; $225
“Josephine Bakhita,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2023; $225
“Howard Finster,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2022; $225
“Martin Luther King Jr.,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2020; $225
“C.S. Lewis,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2013; $225
“Takashi Nagai Saint of Nagasaki,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2022; $235
“Henri Nouwen,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2022; $225
“Rainer Maria Rilke,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2020; $225
“Mamie Till,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2023; $225
“Ida B. Wells,” Painted Block Print, 11” x 9” x 1.5,” 2023; $225
The following are part of the online presentation only. Please contact the artist directly for information about these or other painted block prints in the artist’s series. Purchase prices will differ, depending on whether the artworks are framed and in black and white or in color.
“Thea Bowman”
“Frederick Buechner”
“Black Elk”
“Fannie Lou Hamer”
“Joyce Kilmer”
“Martin Luther”
“Thomas Merton”
“Reinhold Niebuhr”
“St. Patrick of Ireland”
“Sadhu Sundar Singh”
“Sojourner Truth”
“Evelyn Underhill”
George Ziobro
“St. George,” Acrylic on Gessoed Plywood Board, 1996; $800
“St. Luke,” Egg Tempera on Gessoed Plywood Board, 1998; $800
“St. Michael,” Egg Tempera on Gessoed Plywood Board, 2005; $800
The artist is pleased to accept commissions. Please contact him directly.
The Art Collection at St. Michael’s
In the fall of 2022, St. Michael’s became the beneficiary of 10 woodblock prints from Kreg Yingst’s “Psalms” series. (See the “Past Exhibitions” section for the online presentation of the “Psalms Visualized” exhibition. The donated prints hang in the parish library.) The donation served to initiate an art collection for St. Michael’s.
Art enthusiasts and artists participating in Arts & Faith exhibitions are encouraged to consider donating an artwork to help grow the collection. In lieu of an artwork, a monetary donation, which will be used to frame donated works, sponsor receptions for artists, purchase necessary art supplies, or the like, also is welcome, and may be made through the OnRealm giving site used by St. Michael’s.
Additional information about the Art Collection and the Art Fund is available from The Very Rev. Beth Franklin.