
Remembering and Becoming One
Stewardship is the act of attending to God’s gifts in order to do God’s work. God’s gifts encompass much, from the blessings of creation to the talents we possess, and the financial resources we have at our disposal. Each year, the church conducts a campaign wherein we invite parishioners to reflect on how their monetary gifts might make a difference. The commitment of a pledge allows our leadership to make fiscally responsible plans for the coming year.
In continuing celebration of St. Michael’s 75th anniversary, this year’s stewardship campaign is “Remembering and Becoming One.” The campaign calls on us to become one body, one church, and one community. As we mark this anniversary and reconnect our history to God’s story, we welcome renewed clarity about God’s mission. We are called to have open hearts as God invites us to take the next steps and build upon the faithful legacy we have inherited.
This past year has been filled with examples of how we have lived out our identity as one body. In May, our youth confirmands shared their stories. You showed up, listened, and responded in powerful ways – becoming trained to administer Narcan, and advocating for their voices far and wide. Your actions demonstrated what can happen when we value the wholeness of the body. Likewise, we’ve taken seriously our calling to become one church. In the coming year, we will spend time each week discussing a scriptural story, and sharing part of our story. Our youngest members will be doing the same thing in an age appropriate context on Sunday morning. The unity of God’s mission continues to inform the ways in which we are becoming one church. Our commitment to building one community for all of Arlington is woven into the very rhythms of our communal life. Weekly, monthly, and quarterly you are the hands and feet of Christ as we support the ways in which our non-profit partners serve all of Arlington. The first commitment we make when receiving your pledge is to dedicate 10% of what comes in to go back into the community, $34,000 in 2023, living into our commitment to build one Arlington for all.
This year’s stewardship campaign asks you to give generously as a reflection of your hopes for the ways in which we are becoming one body, one church, and one community at St. Michael’s. Your contribution is essential to attaining that goal, and we’d ask you to consider making a pledge towards next year’s expenses. Any amount helps, even something that may feel small. Your pledge provides the support needed to ensure St. Michael’s can continue to respond to the many ways in which the world needs our voice.
Please join us on Sunday, October 22, as we launch this year’s stewardship campaign. Our campaign will conclude on November 12, when we hope you will have had the opportunity to prayerfully submit your pledge card.
2024 Stewardship FAQs
What is a stewardship pledge? A pledge is a financial commitment to donate a specific amount of money to St. Michael’s in 2024.
Why are stewardship pledges needed? Pledges allow church leadership to estimate next year’s income and make informed decisions while building the Mission Spend Plan (budget). Last year, pledges comprised 98% of St. Michael’s routine operating expenses. Leadership won’t make assumptions about your continued giving, so we ask you to submit a new pledge card every year.
How much should I pledge? The traditional guideline in The Episcopal Church is the tithe, a pledge of one-tenth of your household income. That said, for many the tithe is a goal to work toward through incremental pledge increases. What’s most important is to establish, through prayer, a level of giving that is meaningful to you.
What are we striving for next year? We ask you to prayerfully reflect on your hopes for St. Michael’s, and make a pledge that reflects those hopes. The table below illustrates that increase given specific pledge amounts:
What if my financial circumstances change? You can revise your pledge. We certainly understand that life is full of the unexpected. Please just inform the rector or a member of the Stewardship Committee so we can plan accordingly.
When and how should I turn in my pledges? Please turn in your pledge on or before November 13th. We will gratefully receive your pledge cards by mail, dropped into the south porch mail slot, or an emailed picture or note to our parish administrator.
When and how are pledge payments made?
You may make payments at any time throughout 2024, periodically or in one lump sum, through the collection plate, scheduled bank payments, or online. If submitting cash via the collection plate, please use one of the envelopes in the pews or a pledge envelope (which you can request via the pledge card) so we may give you credit for the amount. Please note that non-cash donations such as hardware or equipment do not apply to pledge fulfillment.
How else can I give?
Stock transfers can be made in cooperation with The Diocese of Virginia. Contact the Parish Office for more details.