Sunday Morning at St. Michael's

9:30 AM Holy Eucharist
Main Sanctuary and Virtually
Weekly Formation offerings
Story Core
All are welcome to gather in the parish hall following worship on Sunday, for a time of sharing our stories, while getting to the core of the Christian story. There is no homework, and no need to have participated in conversation the week before. The intention is for this to be an intergenerational conversation, accessible no matter how much time you’ve spent with Holy Scripture.
Children’s Worship
Children who are four or older, are invited to follow the second cross to Children’s Worship at the end of our opening processional. Children of any age are welcome, but need to be accompanied by a parent if younger than four. Please be in touch with our Minister of Children and Families, Karen Ruff,, to learn more about this weekly offering.
Virtual Worship

Sundays at 9:30 AM, Holy Eucharist
Join Zoom meeting here:
To Dial in: (301) 715 8592
Meeting ID: 829 5300 3225
*Summer, 2024: We are actively working to update the quality of our sound for virtual worship. We will update the YouTube channel as soon as this issue has been resolved.
Recordings of some prior services are available on our YouTube …
Evening Prayer

Weekly Evening Prayer for Election Season
How do we love one another in a tense time? How do we care for our souls when conflict and uncertainty are all around us? Prayer is one of the primary ways that we are committed to caring for our own spiritual well-being, and the well-being of our neighbors. As Episcopalians, we are gifted with a rich liturgical tradition that gifts us wit…
Read More »Music

Music is an important part of our worship together. The hymns we sing are found in the 1982 Hymnal and in the Wonder, Love and Praise hymnal. During the school year the Sanctuary Choir sings at the 9:30 AM Sunday service.
The Parish's music program depends on parishioners to participate in the praise of God through music. The congregation itself is a major participant by singing …
Read More »Episcopal Worship

Worship at St. Michael's:
Whether you've been to Episcopal services all your life, or this is your first, we hope you'll worship in the way that is most comfortable to you. The service instructions about standing, kneeling, and other directions are intended to help clue you into the habits of this particular community.
The words of our worship service are lifted from the Episcopal …
Read More »Worship Ministries
The root of the word "liturgy" is "the work of the people." Meaning all that happens in the sanctuary with the community who gathers works because of communal participation. The beautiful thing about this invitation to participate is that who we are and what we bring is enough because God meets us here! Parishioners are invited to take a role in leading worship on a weekly basis …
Read More »Baptisms
Holy Baptism, one of the two primary sacraments of the Church, is initiation into the Christian Church. As the Book of Common Prayer states, "Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble."
Baptisms are held on the Sunday commemorating the Baptism of Jesus (the Sunday after …
Read More »Weddings
Weddings are held at St. Michael's for members of the parish and their families. The Canons of the Episcopal Church require at least thirty days' notice for weddings. Planning requirements at St. Michael's usually require several months' notice. Please contact the Rector for more information on preparing for weddings.