
Sunday School Breakfast Club
Youth, aged 5th - 9th grade, are invited to participate in a bi-weekly gathering Sunday School breakfast club gathering. at the home of our youth leader. Please be in touch with Dan Plafcan for more information.
OCT 1, Class 1: Big Questions of Life (e.g., existence, purpose, fulfillment, community, justice, love)
OCT 15, Class 2: Your Life, Our Lives Together, and Lives of Faith: Uncovering our Commitments
NOV 5, Class 3: The Bible as Holy Scriptures
NOV 19, Class 4: Who is God? (e.g., creation and new creation)
DEC 3, Class 5: Who are We? (e.g., covenant, belonging)
DEC 17, Class 6: Advent
Middle and High School aged youth are invited to participate and lead at St. Michael's in a variety of capacities. Currently, our youth serve as acolytes, greeters, readers, and choir members. Opportunities for fellowship and service are organized specifically for youth throughout the school year. More details may be found in the weekly announcements.
Askable Adult Training
Since confirmation in May, lay leaders have been working to respond to our youth and the powerful stories they shared. One such response to come from these conversations is a collaboration with Arlington County to train as many parishioners as po...
Read MoreAskable Adult Training
Lay leaders have been working to respond to our youth and all they have shared in recent months. One such response is a collaboration with Arlington County to train as many parishioners as possible as an Askable Adult. As advertised, “The Becom...
Read MoreAskable Adult Training
Lay leaders have been working to respond to our youth and all they have shared in recent months. One such response is a collaboration with Arlington County to train as many parishioners as possible as an Askable Adult. As advertised, “The Becom...
Read MoreCalling All Graduates
We're planning to celebrate and bless all graduates on Sunday, May 21 at the 4 PM service. Additionally, we will publish an article featuring students who graduate this year (from high school, college, or graduate school). If that applies to you ...
Read MoreSave the Date: Confirmation on May 21 at 4 PM
The Rt. Rev. Ted Guilck will be present at St. Michael’s to confirm six of our teens on Sunday, May 21 at 4 PM. Preparation for adults wishing to be confirmed, received, or to reaffirm their baptismal vows will take place beginning May 7. Ple...
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